Adrian Monk, the OCD Detective

"Mr. Monk Goes Back to School"  first aired June 20, 2003

This episode definitely has it charms, but it is annoyingly weak in the detailed explanations of the actual basic crimes by this supposedly brilliant chemistry teacher.  His first murder depended on the minute hand of a school's clock tower holding up the weight of a person - and that her dead body would not fall off sideways in the meantime.  That's in one sense clever, but exceedingly unlikely.  Then there was the thing with blowing up the janitor.  That little trick with the matches taped to the door again looks like a slightly clever idea - but awfully questionable that you could count on such a thing actually working.  Creator Andrew Breckman says that they would get their far out premises, and then work backwards to come up with solutions that were at least "semi-believable or semi-plausible."  They fell somewhat short of that with this and really the first several episodes of the second season.

The thing with the fat little teenaged jackass Kyle and his thug father the gym teacher worked out pretty interesting.  First, Dad was apparently about as stupid as the boy, helping him come up with a Sherman tank to put in a Civil War diorama of Sherman's March to the Sea for the English class Monk was subbing for. It was interesting to see Monk make a point of taking responsibility and the threats for retaliation on himself when Coach Dumbass came giving Sharona grief for dressing his boy down in the classroom.  Then Monk runs away from him.  Then Monk finally decides to confront him. 

It's all good, but it would be worth that setup for that moment where Monk changes gears.  He's literally putting up his dukes, and he's about a half step from the coach throwing a whooping on him. Coach is carrying on with trash talk about the clock, and Monk stops.  It's a perfect Monk moment as he's suddenly dismissing the teacher and their little schoolyard game. He just snaps out of the childish stuff.  He's solved the case.  He has grownup stuff he has to take care of now.  His display of gratitude and the confusion of the gym coach were gravy.

Also, give ditzy Disher a little credit.  He's most often played for idiot, but notice that he was the one who picked up on the critical point about the missing eyeglasses. 

Underlying all of this is a fairly light touch of Trudy pathos.  Monk is there at the behest of the now headmistress at the private high school academy that Trudy had attended on scholarship.  So we get a couple of old school pictures of Trudy, and Monk hanging around the special tree under which young Trudy sat writing poems about the man she hadn't met yet.  So maybe it was slightly sappy, but a light sap - not too sticky or maudlin.


"Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico"  first aired June 27, 2003

This one rates as one of the weakest episodes of the series.  It might feature the absolutely least plausible criminal motivation of any episode in the series.  A guy is committing specifically exotic murders of rich kids from San Francisco in order to get their parents to have the mayor send Adrian Monk to San Marcos, Mexico to investigate so that he can kill Monk.  How many levels of improbability are involved in this bank shot?  Somewhere along about here on the implausibility meter one might fear the possibility of disappearing up our own bungholes.

Besides that, the Monk character was just insufferably stupid with his nonsense about Sierra Springs.  He's somewhere well within the danger zone for dropping out of dehydration rather than drink anything else.  Evian or Perrier won't do.  Water from the same source bottled by the same company under another brand name won't do. This isn't even a fear factor like a germ phobia.  He just doesn't like any other kind of water - nor was he going to drink a soda or anything else.  Well, just shut up and suffer quietly, which of course isn't going to happen. This is just so far outside the range of believable as to badly strain credulity for everything around it.  Just a poorly conceived episode in general.


"Mr. Monk Goes to the Ballgame"  first aired July 11, 2003

Frankly, they got off to a pretty weak start with the criminal premises in the first several shows of the second season.  A mild mannered computer geek lures a big baseball player's girlfriend and her billionaire husband out and murder them in order to rattle the ballplayer and break his near record hitting streak so that the killer's prize baseball will still be valuable.  Really.  OK, along with the Mexico episode previous, this may be the stupidest and least believable criminal motivation in the whole series.  About the only thing good in that were the billionaire's multiply repeated final words:  Girls can't eat 15 pizzas. 

Monk did put a brief moratorium on self-indulgent nonsense to bond with the ballplayer when he realized that the guy really loved the woman.  Monk had a nice little piece of wisdom for what you try to do to appease the loss:  Be the man she loved.  That looks kind of hoaky to me writing it down, but looked good on screen in dramatic context.

Some of the time the subplots of the series make up for a less than grade A front story, but the Little League thing here was pretty weak and obvious.  To me, it came off as basically filler - and utterly cliched filler at that.  The big baseball star gives personal coaching and inspiration to the kid who's sucking.  There's very little added here to redeem that cliche.  Plus, the big climax involves Monk playing umpire which means the game takes forever because he has to keep compulsively dusting off the home plate and so on, blah, blah, blah.  There's nothing there particularly creative to mitigate the obviousness; it's totally Monk-by-rote.


"Mr. Monk Goes to the Circus"  first aired July 18, 2003

Lolita Davidovitch makes the hottest evil Romanian gypsy trapeze artist ever. For one thing, I appreciate the gratuitous flair of the extra somersault in the opening scene as the killer trapeze artist makes her exit.  Really, her basic plan was beautiful and pretty near foolproof.  Unfortunately, as so often happens she ends up getting tripped up by having to cover it up.  Plus, I dug how quickly and immediately she took to Monk, utterly disregarding his irrelevant quirks.  Her little speech about working without a net had me feeling all tingly.  In theory, the horse trainer describes her as having a temper, which you could easily enough imagine.  Really though, she showed very little sign of it in what we saw of her. 

Perhaps my judgment is weakened because she was so totally hot, but for being an assassin she didn't really seem very evil.  Then again, that was set up by the writers.  In that opening couple of minutes at the cafe before she showed up to kill the ex-husband, he went well out of his way to be exceedingly boorish over that stupid cigarette.  We didn't really need any explanation after he was dead from the multiple people telling Monk that he was a world class schmuck whom no one liked or mourned.  I know in theory that you can't go around whacking every jerk you meet, but I could readily empathize with how an ex-wife might think she was doing the world a favor by killing this guy.  The fact that she was right does not excuse murder, I know.  I have to keep reminding myself of that.

Then there was the elephant trainer.  What did he think he was doing when he came to her?  Was he going to blackmail her into becoming his lover?  Worse or stupider yet, did he think he was going to blackmail her into actually falling in love with him or something?  Screw him too.

The circus people made good natural flair and color, with a minimum of slowing down the action.  The mime clown was cute, but I wish we could have gotten more than the couple of passing glances at that female strongman.  How did Monk know that the horse trainer had not gotten her citizenship yet?  Well, it wasn't really difficult, noting the pamphlet sticking out of her purse.  "You're studying the US Constitution - something no US citizen would ever do."

Sometimes I wonder if Adrian Monk isn't somewhat autistic. Lack of even very basic empathy is a common trait, tending to see flesh sacks on the other side rather than real emoting humans like themselves - a problem with the wiring.  How else do you explain his utter assininity with Sharona over the elephant thing?  Well, short of breaking out the lab coats, you might consider Sharona's explanation:   "You are the most selfish and inconsiderate man I have ever met." 

Even if your empathy wiring was a little shy, a genius like Monk should damn well know better than a lot of this nonsense purely intellectually - which consciously studied approach is how a lot of autistic people work around that problem.  That's pretty much what Monk was doing by the end, scrupulously verbalizing overdrawn "empathetic" gestures almost more annoying than the original offense.  Note that what broke Sharona's resistance was just the tiniest verbal gesture of actual un-self conscious empathy talking to Benji.


"Mr. Monk and the Very, Very Old Man"  first aired July 25, 2003

First of all, let me note how very much I despise Stottlemeyer's wife Karen, the hippie documentary film making artiste played by Glenne Headley in such manner as to make me want to just hurt her.  I'd say that reflects both good writing and good acting.  She manages to hit that chord  with me here within 30 seconds.  Looking for something to talk about, Disher asks if she's working on a new script.  "I make documentary films, Lieutenant.  I don't use scripts.  The world is my script."  The screamingly high levels of self-righteous pretension that are this woman's personality are perfectly encapsulated in that not much more than a dozen words.  Besides which, someone who was not just a lazy hippie dilletante would most likely in fact have a script for their documentary.  Ken Burns isn't just pointing a camera at stuff, he's explaining it.  Plus, she made her husband spend $40K on a cop's salary to indulge her in making her stupid film.

On top of which, she is of course against guns - and insists that her police captain husband lie to her and pretend that he doesn't carry a gun.  How long would Captain Stottlemeyer live if he actually followed this idiot's demands?  I mean, look at the first 30 seconds of her damned movie and tell me that she does not need to be exterminated with extreme frickin' prejudice.  Not to put too fine a point on it. 

Breaking the crime down to the how and the why, the how was fairly plain vanilla.  That's ok.  Most of the worst moments of the series are way too clever and unbelievable ways of killing someone.  The point of interest here was the why, and the "urge to confess" theme.  I don't know that the exact motivation was very realistic, but the idea of it made sense symbolically or something.  It's the idea of that confession hanging over his head every day for five years, and that leading the guy from the original mere stupid drunk driving accident into two absolute pre-meditated murders.  I could feel the realness of the desperation of the character.

The schtick from Stottlemeyer and Monk as room mates was almost actually more dramatic than comedic.  But it was some of the less interesting part of the episode.  However, a lot of the conflict centered on this off aligned coffee table.  The payoff for that in the epilogue was simple and beautiful.


"Mr. Monk Goes to the Theater"  first aired August 1, 2003

OK, I've got one major misgiving about this episode.  The main ultimate criminal how seems exceedingly unlikely in workability or of even looking "semi-plausible," the minimal standard the creator Andrew Breckman aspired to.  Surely the guy would be getting checked out as the doctor at the murder scene.  Some cop would have wanted his name and office address and phone number.  I dig the idea of the murderous stage father, but this just looks particularly implausible to pretend to be a doctor and stab someone right in front of hundreds of people.

But other than that, the episode was a delight.  The aspiring actress Jenna Ryan was deliciously evil, like Reese Witherspoon's evil younger sister with 666 practically tattooed across her forehead.  She was precious.  Plus, there was some good playing with her mind in the ways that Monk got near to her physically first at the speed dating service and then directly on stage.  Then there's the idea of Monk as an actor.  It made some sense that he completely and naturally had that little part - when he was not in front of an audience with a killer.

The whole thing pays off good with Monk in the play in front of a sold out audience.  There was no way that Adrian Monk was ever in this life going to simply flip a table over in a fit of rage and make a mess as the script calls for.  But he had some curiously effective and unsettling moments on stage as all hell's getting ready to break loose.  I'd say that audience all went home thinking that they'd certainly gotten their money's worth.


"Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect"  first aired August 8, 2003

I'll cite this as one of the more cleverly conceived explanations, and for possibly the farthest out premise in the series.  "He's the guy," says Monk of a man who has absolutely been in a coma for four months.  You can appreciate why the federales on scene were contemptuous of the whole idea.  However, the explanation for this extra impossible premise at least passes the smell test of semi-plausible.

The coma brother was delightfully morbid.  The sight of a person in such condition with a respirator tube down his throat is arguably far more horrifying than a cadaver.  Monk hits his most macabre moment of the whole series as he sits there pouring his heart out to the coma guy whom he has already pegged as the murderer. [Monk's shrink is on vacation.] He envies the coma guy his condition, free from worry.  "Take my advice:  Savor these moments."  That's deliciously creepy.

The Sharona story line has her ex-husband back to try again, and take Sharon and Benji back home to New Jersey.  Beyond good planning, there seems to have been some fortuosity in how this plays out for the series.  About one season out from here, the actress Bitti Schrim left the show unexpectedly mid season.  This was the obvious explanation.  The ex-husband claimed her back to New Jersey.  Plus this episode re-inforced the bonds between Sharona and Disher, whom she specifically requests to call her sometimes in Jersey.  Their scene here is about the most specific expression of bonds between them in the series.


"Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy"  first aired August 15, 2003

This did not make the biggest impression on me of any episode on the first casual viewing, but on re-viewing this really works well on multiple levels.  The crime element played out as actually reasonably plausible.  They set up a locked room mystery, and came up with a fairly credible solution.  They even set it up reasonably well with the back story about Dexter the future playboy starting out as a tech geek. 

This turned out to be a pretty good Monk character episode.  An evil Hugh Hefner doppleganger has killed the publisher who was about to shut down the now money losing Sapphire mansion and magazine.  To Monk of course, a trip to a playboy mansion is hell.  The half-dressed whores might as well be succubi.  There's a particularly beautiful scene late in the show though where Monk sort of finds his place socially at the mansion.  He's got maybe two dozen of these women gathered around him in the back room in rapt attention as he reads them Trudy's last poem.  Oh, the girls are crying and dabbing at their eyes. 

But the main Monk character point involved his willingness to be blackmailed by the murdering playboy.  Dexter had acquired photos and publication rights to some compromising photos that Sharona had done back in Jersey a dozen years ago.  First, Monk has to wrestle his own fear and loathing of nudity and sexuality just to deal with the shock of seeing these images himself, though the script is highly ambiguous as to the exact content.  Were they action photos?  He couldn't even deal with a Sapphire Magazine enough to open it to page 53 to see their feature article on the now deceased CFO.  The threat of publication of these images of Sharona gets immediate capitulation from Monk.

Of course, it's not going to be long before Sharona pries the truth out of Monk.  Obviously Sharona Fleming would never consider letting a murderer go free to save herself embarassment.  She showed good character and all, but it's not that much of a character development for Sharona.  You pretty well knew how she would have to respond.  Actually, except for how it would affect her young son, she's doesn't really seem to be that particularly mortified.

So then on that end, the payoff is the 12 year old son Benji.  What's he going to get at school if Sapphire Magazine actually publishes the damned pictures of Mom?  She has to talk to Benji about it   "Mom, you can't let someone get away just because I might have a bad day at school."


"Mr. Monk and the 12th Man"  first aired August 22, 2003

This serial killer killed so diversely that he was up to 10 victims without anyone connecting them.  This may be the most precisely diverse serial killer ever, though that's really utterly co-incidental.  The explanation does at least halfway look plausible. 

The biggest part of the show is somewhat annoyingly given over to this jackass deputy mayor that Sharona is dating.  Pretty much absolutely everybody in the neighborhood is now sucking up to Sharona to win this rising star's favor.  Monk at least has the decency to feel ashamed of himself for sucking up to this guy.  I got a little tired of this storyline.

The good thing there though is that you could see in the first minute that this guy's a fool with a big ego, and that hubris would bring him down soon enough.  He's got to make a statement NOW to get on the 6 o'clock news, even if Captain Stottlemeyer won't back him up. It's called leadership, see.  Note to self: If Adrian Monk says that John Doe is NOT the serial killer, do not immediately march out in front of the cameras in time for the 6 o'clock news and say that he is.  It's probably not going to work out so good.

They had one very funny and macabre scene with Ian the accident victim, who six years later still has several inches of pipe sticking out of his head.  They play it very broadly, repeatedly answering a non-ringing phone and generally acting squirrelly.  It was funny in a distinctly morbid way.  Good freaky flavoring.


"Mr. Monk and the Paperboy"  first aired January 16, 2004

God bless Kevin Dorfman, but Monk or someone should have figured out that there was something wrong with the biggest geek on the block suddenly having this totally hot chick hanging off his jock for dear life.  What's wrong with this picture? 

The goofy CPA from upstairs will be a delightful recurring character.  It was nice at the end where the suddenly rich Dorfman stops by to give them a little something for their trouble, what with saving his life and all.  He's really sweet, but man that was one cheap Jew.  Actually, you might take that as a sign of the innocent nature of the character, indicating that he really never completely psychically registered how close he came to being dead but for Monk and Sharona.  Monk wouldn't always be able to make the catch.

The paperboy gets killed on his second attempt at delivering Monk's newspaper.  It would appear that the killer was determined to keep Monk from seeing something in that day's paper.  It's funny, but it really wasn't particularly egotistical on Monk's part.  This seemed like the most likely explanation.  In the process of combing the paper looking for what he wasn't supposed to see, Monk accidentally solves a couple of other killings.  It was probably their best comic touch of the night watching him on the phone with the French police, explaining the solution to a gruesome murder from reading a newspaper story.

There's some genius to the wit with which they set up the whole thing with Dorfman's inane prattling.  There's Dorfman in his very first scene basically randomly rattling off his last half dozen addresses to Lt Disher, who is silly enough to be actually writing them down as if they were at all relevant.  Yet that was the answer to the whole mystery.  Beautiful.


"Mr. Monk and the Three Pies"  first aired January 23, 2004

This rates as one of the very best episodes of the series, introducing John Turturro as Adrian's brother Ambrose Monk, an agoraphobist so extreme that he hasn't left the house in 32 years. He's still saving all of Dad's mail for these last 30 years since he went out for Chinese food one night and never came back.  He'll want to see it when he gets back, and all the newspapers.

There's lots of beautiful basic dramatic pathos as the brothers argue over Dad, with Ambrose keeping his mail while Adrian insists that Daddy's never coming home and screw him anyway.  Then there's the payoff of their eventual discussion of Trudy and why Ambrose hadn't called.  We even get a good action climax with brave Adrian rushing into the burning family home to rescue his brother.  It was a particularly sweet ending in the final words of the epilogue as Ambrose invites his brother to come help him clean up.  "I thought you'd never ask."  Family bonding, Monk style.

The crime story that was the nominal basis of the tearful homecoming was actually pretty good.  Why is this guy so interested in these cherry pies that he would kill an old woman over one?  They actually had a reasonably plausible explanation for this.  It was particularly clever writing how they pulled the evidence into the Monk home for the climax. 


"Mr. Monk and the TV Star"  first aired January 30, 2004

The main plot and the B plot work together particularly well here.  The main crime involves the ex-wife of a big tv star screaming as she's being knifed to death while he's out in the front yard talking to paparazzi and their cameras.  Obviously he's the guy.  In fairness, he had a fairly ingenius plan.  It was a pretty good crime.  Plus, he's a popular and charismatic actor, and thus found it reasonably easy to ingratiate himself really even with Monk. 

Which brings us to the other plot issue.  It didn't really have a lot of action, but there was a lot here about Monk feeling like he was back in sixth grade.  This actor represents for the popular kid who invited everyone except Monk of course to his big birthday party.  There's a good turn on this party with Dr Kroger.  Because he's in sixth grade initimidation mode, he accepts a very good looking clean bill of health for the actor.  He passed a polygraph and his crazy fan Marcy (Sarah Silverman) confessed to the crime.  He obviously highly grudgingly agrees to this, bringing himself back into the fold with the cool kids. 

But he knew that somehow the cool kid was the guy. He just intuits from her whole character that this Marcy was not a murderer.  No amount of wanting acceptance by the group could outweigh that.  But of course when he figures it out and proves that the cool kid was the murderer, he weren't cool no more.  Monk got a little payoff of group acceptance as he roughs the suspect up a little bit with the guys, like they'd been teaching the actors on the show all week.

The Marcy character was delightful in an obsessed fan kind of way.  After her hero turns out to be the murderer, the show was cancelled and she transferred her loyalty to Monk.  She's started a website and a newsletter about him.  "Please don't do that." 

Also Marcy was used in a self-referential way within the show as she vociferously protests the change in theme music in the CSI doppleganger show that her hero starred in.  This went to apparently some controversy within the Monk fan community.  They had music in the show, including an original theme song by Jeff Beal, which was very nice.  But coming back second season, they had an even better new original theme song written and performed by Randy Newman used for the duration of the series, "It's a Jungle Out There."  With due respect to the fine work of Mr. Beal, he got trumped by one of Randy Newman's best songs.  It's certainly the best thing he's come up with for my money in any terms of movie scoring or TV themes. 


"Mr. Monk and the Missing Granny"  first aired February 6, 2004

This episode stood out for the unusual gentility of the tone, a gentle charm.  In fact, there was no murder at all.  There was one half-assed attempted hit on Monk, but the guy wasn't really trying to become a killer.  Little old Granny Parlo with no money gets kidnapped out of her home by representatives of the old anti-war leftie Lightning Brigade.  They demand as their ransom a turkey dinner for all the homeless in the Mission district, fed her pizza and let her go unharmed a few hours later. 

A lot of the charm came from guest Rachel Dratch as granddaughter Julie.  She exudes a special charm as the less than overly bright but devoted daughter trying to take care of Granny and go to law school on her parents life insurance money, as they wanted but in which she has no real interest or talent.  Watching her struggle with basic legal terminology is a precious thing.

But she's picked up the trick from her law professor that would get Monk absolutely re-instated to the force.  Granddaughter Julie's study group has worked up from their distinguished professor's suggestion a motion demanding that Monk be re-instated under terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act, under which Monk's long documented multiple extreme phobias and such would certainly count. 

Thus the setup of the most interesting part of the episode, Monk's conflict.  "Am I disabled?"  He couldn't walk away, but instead just locked up under the very simple routine multiple choice exam.  Stottlemeyer took it that Monk didn't want to take his badge back the cheesy way, so he screwed up the test.  That would be a generous, but probably reasonably accurate interpretation.


"Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife"  first aired February 13, 2004

Mostly, this was a Stottlemeyer episode after his wife is dropped into a coma after a car wreck caused from some sniper killing the driver coming her direction down the highway.  Captain Stottlemeyer's wife Karen hardly made me want to hurt her at all this one time, mostly because she spent most of the show in a coma.  So that's to the good.  But Leland is full of fear of losing his wife, and rage against whoever was responsible, and very anxious for vengeance. 

He's not in his right mind, understandably, and Monk is of course exactly the guy for him.  This is absolutely the best example of Monk acting as a true friend all around.  It's a big point that Stottlemeyer is getting a dose of feeling like Monk does every day.  So this is perhaps the worst moment in Stottlemeyer's life, and Monk is exactly the one for him to cry on who truly understands what he's going through. 

But most of all, it falls on Monk to calm him down and also solve the case before Stottlemeyer does something stupid.  The guy who was killed in front of his wife turns out to be a scab driver for a tow yard, so Stottlemeyer's on the warpath with the union head on the presumption that it must have been a union thing.  That guy got a little bit of time and development here.  He came across as wise and calm, a careful and judicious judge of how far to push his strike.  Seeing him early on turning aside his subordinates offer to "do more" than they are doing, obviously this guy had nothing to do with this shooting.  Further, he was very understanding and conciliatory and actively co-operative with Stottlemeyer and the police in general.  Having no other explanation though, there's no telling Stottlemeyer that he's not the guy.

Perhaps without a conscious intention from the creators, this episode just naturally underscores Capt. Stottlemeyer's critical role throughout the series as the center of calm and reasoned judgment anchoring everyone's efforts.  When Stottlemeyer frays, it sure pulls other people into line.  Monk had very little indulgence of his OCD stuff in this episode.  Couldn't afford the indulgence.  There's very little ditzy Disher, who really couldn't afford to indulge himself.  He's struggling at the far reaches of his abilities to restrain the slightly deranged Captain.

This crime came out fairly believable in a stupid criminal kind of way.  It was really dumb, but you could see a dumbass criminal, particularly the kind that think they're really clever, still having that gun.  From there, it's not too much of a stretch to seem him winging it with this shooting, creating the odd seeming details with the shoes and such.  This episode is a prime example of the series sometimes doing better with the crimes in episodes where the focus is majorly on other things.  You might look at it as that sometimes they tried a little too hard with exotic crimes, and sometimes like here they ended up distinctly better off for not trying quite so hard for something esoteric.


"Mr. Monk Gets Married"  first aired February 27, 2004

This episode had a a couple of good high premises that carried the show a long way.  One was the parallel stories of the two treacherous partners who murdered for this same gold.  Also, the eventual answer as to where the gold was hidden sounds pretty clever.  I wonder if that is actually a technically possible function.  It at least looks plausible.

The whole episode is built up around the idea of Adrian and Sharona going under cover as a married couple to weekend couple counseling.  Naturally, there was little change in their regular behavior and attitudes.  It didn't take much acting for them to pass as an old married couple pecking at each other all day.

Also, Monk had a special moment when he is supposed to be having a picnic with his wife Sharona who wants him to sit down.  "I don't sit on the ground.  Animals do things on the ground - terrible, terrible things." OMG! It's like the Talking Heads song come to life.  Ah, beautiful, baby.


"Mr. Monk Goes to Jail"  first aired March 5, 2004

What kind of crazy bastard would go to the bother of murdering a death row inmate a half hour before their legal execution?  They came up with an esoteric but fairly credible explanation.  I really dug the crime aspect.

They came up with basically really good comedy from Monk and his dreaded killer cellmate Spider, who turns out to be not such a bad Joe. The bonding between them was particularly well written, especially that part about Trudy waiting for him.  Plus it was his partner Spider who had the jail yard sense to point him to the culprit who was setting him up, and then absolutely saved his life from the evil Aryans. 

Then there is the evil presence of  Dale the Whale, anxious to hire Monk, his worst enemy.  "That's the Adrian Monk we know and love.  Your fear is huge, but your curiosity is huger."  Dale's bargaining chip is information about Trudy's murder.  Obviously Adrian Monk will jump through some hoops for that.  Plus, they got a real good moment of foreboding to end the season.  "Bon voyage, Mr. Monk" says Biederbeck with an evil laugh as he watches their plane through his newly acquired window.






DENOUEMENT  This is the climax of the series.  You shouldn't look at this page until you've seen it.











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